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Why You Don't Need A Holiday Overseas To Reset

Thatched doorway, leading into tropical garden path
Rimba - My jungle escape

It's easy for me to say as I sit in my jungle haven 'Rimba' a –charming cafe I've stumbled upon whilst in East Bali. This, however, accentuates my point so bear with me...

I knew I didn’t need to be sent thousands of miles from home to find balance. Sure, it helped. No responsibility, no washing, no cooking, cleaning, or such. But if the past week of solitude has highlighted, the daily rituals of giving yourself time – time to consider, reflect, dream, grieve – this 'time' and the rituals we engage to feel them in entirety are ‘soul activism’.

Coupled with a sense of gratitude for the simplicity that this remote stretch of Bali delivers, it brings me to how I sit in this space, now.

(Sure, it’s no massage on the beach but it's important work. Work that lingers longer than an hour body rub, this is reflexology for the soul)

With the excitement of beach bars and extraordinary vistas, worthy attractions, and activities vying for my attention, I am here to sit in the shadows of self. Honestly, I consider the tourist ‘to do’s’ but feels a little empty without my soul mate to share the experience with. I’m here with a task.

To work with the world within that I’ve evaded, disregarded, and accepted as faulty. I am here to sit with myself and all iterations of me, to rewrite the narrative.

The distractions of pleasure, of numbing, can’t allow the raw power required to dive deeper into the shadows, the underbelly of our soul where we hold onto the shame, hurt, and grief that never was allowed to speak. To give it a voice and release it. This is my task.

I didn’t need to come to Bali to do this. It’s the fact that I have a few days (okay 10), not void of human contact, but seclusion. Quiet: no family demands, no responsibility, and a challenge that sits in front of me summoning a shift, a life-changing moment where I return differently. Lighter, more confident, aligned, and clear.

I didn’t need an overseas trip for this. This is what hiking does for me when I venture alone. Time away from responsibility, time to switch off the autopilot and navigate a little deeper into your psyche - if only for a day.

It’s what It can do for you too.

I am grateful for the opportunity that I have, to be here. However, my heart longs to be home. In my own ramshackle home by the sea. I am not unaware that I live in a holiday destination myself. This solitude has affirmed that I need connection. We all do. It brings meaning to our lives, boosts our well-being and the embrace of a loved one soothes the ragged edges when we’ve risen from the depths of our darkness; and changed.

As I spend the last days deep in introspection, I commit to my future self = the rituals that are deeply engrained in my days here, beach walking, ocean swims, journalling, and creativity. It's these elements that can create peace within a turbulent world. To open our toolkit whenever we need it, not just on an overseas holiday - no, transport your perspective from home; take a hike and invite challenge - which creates growth, calm & confidence to live within.

Until I hit the trails once more, when perhaps, you’ll join me?

I leave this as an invitation to ignite your soul.

Mands x

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